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file Inter Tour

29. zář 2016 06:48 #17426 od Ivan Horejsi
Inter Tour vytvořil uživatel Ivan Horejsi
Pise nam Palino ohledne Intertour 2017.

Soubor přílohy:

Název souboru: ITcal-CZE-1.doc
Velikost souboru:25 kB

Viz priloha.

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29. zář 2016 07:40 #17427 od Aleš Krátký
Odpověděl Aleš Krátký pro téma Inter Tour
Dear Ivan and friends,

The fifth year of the world series of F5J competitions has finished with a success.

On behalf of the organisation team I would therefore like to thank you for your cooperation with preparing the series calendar and coordinating with your national IT competitions organizers.

Because as of 01/01/2017 the F5J category becomes an official FAI category, we would like to maintain the quality and number of our competition at least on the same level as it was last year.

Of course it will not be possible to achieve without your cooperation. Therefore I´m asking you - try to include the well-established and also the new F5J competitions in your vicinity into the provisional draft of F5J IT 2016/2017.

Later after an agreement with their organizers it will be neccessary to keep us informed of any adjustments, changes and exact dates.

Thank you in advance for your help.

With best regards

Palo LISHAK – coordinator for 6th Inter Tour Calendar 2016/17

Traditional F5J IT competitions in your country from years 2015/2016:

May 28/29th 2016 – (CZ 1) F5J Lanskroun
August 6/7th 2016 – (CZ 2) – South Moravia F5J Cup, Boretice

Submission for years 2016/2017:


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