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Ypsi Daidalos F5J - 100" / 2.5m
Sorry to write in english, but I'm from the Netherlands.
I recently bought a Ypsi Daidalos F5J - 400 100" / 2.5m
Today was the first maiden flight.
The speed without trim was very high.
Center of gravity was 60mm
To get the speed down I had to use too much UP elevator.
When using this amount of UP elevator, in the dive test the plane recovered way too quickly.
As I read that the Geronimo 2,5m had a CoG recommendation of 90mm, I taped 10gram of lead to the tail.
The speed was good and the recovery out of a divy was almost none.
At home
* I measured the EWD (difference of angle between wing and horinzontal stab).It it 1,3 degrees.
* the CoG, it was 88-90mm
* total flying weight is 650 grams
My question to you flying the Daidalos 2,5m:
What CoG do you fly at?
What is the EWD?
I personally think the recommended 55-60 CoG is too nose heavy.
Thank you very much in advance for your replies!
All the best from the Netherlands
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- Milan Chalupník
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CG 55-60 mm is really very front, but it is 90 mm longer, in my experience very much, or you're an excellent pilot. Optimum is up to 80mm.
EWD This corresponds to about 1-2 degree.
I wish you good luck
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Thank you for your reply.
Today I will fly it with 2 different batteries:
3s-850mAh - 650 gram - CoG at 75mm
3s-450mAh - 630 gram - CoG at 82mm
Let's see how that goes.
The weather forecast is good, 2BFT windspeed
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The plane handeled good. Termals with up to 1.5 m/s rise. Most were around 0,5-1 m/s
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- Bohumil Belan
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according the manufacturer's instructions the center of gravity is between 54-64 mm. My Daidalos flies with CG 63 mm. The weight is 600 gr with LiPol 2S 1300 mAh
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- Milan Chalupník
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Je to rebel ! při zatýkání tři vojáky těžce zranil, dva zhmoždil a jednoho... jednoho zesměšnil, navrhuji zavřít ho nadoživotí! To jako do konce života?
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- Martin Beseda
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Poslední příspěvky
- MISTROVSTVÍ SVĚTA F5J Argentina (7 Příspěvky)
- v Letecké kategorie / F5J
- od Pavel Svoboda
- 07. bře 2025 15:29
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